Fracture Care Specialist

Dr. Anthony Ahn provides residents of Manhattan Beach, Torrance, Palos Verdes, and the South Bay with upper extremity fracture solutions. He is the chief of the Hand surgery service at harbor UCLA with extensive experience in taking care of challenging fractures of the fingers, hand, wrist, and elbow.

What are the different types of hand fractures?

There are several different types of fractures:Nondisplaced: Cracked but still in the original position, typically treated with splints or casts, which can be fabricated on-site by our hand therapists.Displaced: The bone snaps into two or more parts and moves out of its original position, so it needs to be reduced into alignment. This fracture may require surgery to stabilize it. Open Fractures: also known as "compound fracture" is a fracture in which there is a break in the skin near the site of the broken bone. It requires antibiotics and immediate care.
All types of fractures should be evaluated by a doctor and X-rays.

What should you do if you suspect you have a broken hand?

This is a problem that requires medical treatment as soon as possible. How quickly you get help will determine the treatment option as well as your recovery. Call 911 of go immediately to the nearest emergency room if there is a bone showing or loss of circulation, you can notice this when the hand becomes significantly cold, blue, or numb.
In the meantime, apply first aid. If there is blood or open wounds, use a clean, firm cloth to apply pressure. Then put ice into a bag and wrap a towel around the wound with this you help control the swelling. Remove the jewelry before going to the hospital.
You may apply a splint to the arm as long as the hand doesn’t feel cold or numb. Use a rolled-up newspaper or cardboard and some fabric strips to secure it. Immobilize the arm with a sling around the neck.

When does a broken hand require surgery?

That is up to your doctor, but generally more serious fractures may need surgery to set the bone and to hold the bone fragments together. Dr. Ahn will discuss all the options with you and help you decide on the best course of treatment.